There has been a lot of debate on bras over the years. Some argue that bras help support women’s breast and protect sensitive breast tissue. While others argue that bras increase women’s risk of developing cysts and breast cancer. Which leaves many women wondering, are bras unhealthy?

Are Bras Unhealthy?

According to the book Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Bras and Breast Cancer, women who wear bras more than 12 hours a day have a 1 out of 7 risk of developing breast cancer.  While women who wear bras less than 12 hours a day have a 1 out of 52 risk, and women who never wear bras have a 1 out of 162 risk.

Ill-Fitting Bras May Cause Cancer…

Michael B. Schachter, M.D. explains why this might be the case in his article Integrative Medicine: The Prevention and Complementary Treatment of Breast Cancer:

“It is the job of the lymphatic system of the body to help drain toxic substances from tissues and poor lymphatic drainage may play a role in breast cancer formation… Over 85 percent of the lymph fluid flowing from the breast drains to the armpit lymph nodes. Most of the rest drains to the nodes along the breastbone. Bras and other external tight clothing can impede flow. The nature of the bra, the tightness, and the length of time worn, will all influence the degree of blockage of lymphatic drainage.Thus, wearing a bra might contribute to the development of breast cancer as a result of cutting off lymphatic drainage, so that toxic chemicals are trapped in the breast.”

Should You Stop Wearing Bras?

More and more women are asking, “Are bras unhealthy?”  This line of thinking has led many women to stop wearing bras in favor of going braless or wearing bralettes. Despite the possible health advantages, however, many women still feel that going braless is not an option. Well-endowed women complain that bralettes don’t provide them enough support. Other women simply want more coverage when they’re wearing a thin t-shirt or while they’re at the office. Fortunately, there is a way to wear bras without increasing your health risks! 

Protect Your Health With The Proper Fit

According to Kathy Bartholomew, a Certified Bra Fitter for Essential Bodywear, whether a bra is healthy or not is determined by how it fits. A proper fitting bra should not impede lymphatic flow or put pressure on mammary glands. Essential Bodywear offers bras that are unique in the sense that they are designed with women’s breast health in mind. With each fitting, women receive an education about why a proper fitting bra is important to their health. 

are bras unhealthy

When asked how Kathy got interested in bra fitting for Essential Bodywear, she explained,

“I am an avid horseback rider and could never find a bra that was comfortable, while providing support, when riding. Essential Bodywear offered a great bra to keep me stable and comfortable while riding. I had less pressure on my shoulders and the bra kept me perky. After I got involved with Essential Bodywear I was amazed at how many women are wearing the wrong style and size of bra… about 85%!  Many women have had such bad experiences with bras that they’ve given up on finding a comfortable and supportive bra.  I offer a service every women needs and a product that every women deserves.”

Other ways to protect your breasts is to keep your hormones in balance and supplement your diet with the proper herbs. Natural Health Strategies offers RBTI Testing to help women improve their health and decrease their risk of breast-related illness.

Ditching bras is not practical for many women. If you can’t go without a bra, it’s essential to find one that fits properly. In addition, it’s a good idea to exercise regularly, incorporate dry-brushing into your routine, and implement a healthy diet and supplement routine. Call Natural Health Strategies today to learn how!