Believe it or not, the average adult comes down with a cold between 1-6 times a year. That many colds translates into lots of missed work social events. In addition, over-the-counter medication often seems to have little effect and symptoms can end up lingering for weeks. Fortunately, there is a better way. Ditch the ineffective cough syrup and learn how to beat the common cold naturally!

How to Beat The Common Cold Naturally

Love Your Body

  • Get Some Sleep. Getting adequate amounts of sleep increases your body’s ability to fight off illness. Avoid relying on drugs like NyQuil to fall asleep which create dependency. Instead, try these natural methods to improve sleep quality.
  • Take a Hot Bath. Spending time in a hot bath, or sauna, helps the body detox from harmful toxins.
  • Exercise. It’s still important to keep moving even when you’re sick. The key is to keep it light so you don’t “overdo” it. Take a walk around the neighborhood for 20 minutes. This will give you the added benefit of natural Vitamin D.

Stay Positive

Studies show that people with higher levels of positive emotions have a higher resistance to the common cold. Here are three ways to feel more positive even when you’re feeling low.

  • Keep a Gratitude Journal. People who keep gratitude journals tend to feel happier and suffer from fewer physical ailments. Check out these tips and tricks on how to get started.
  • Laugh! The old adage is true: laughter really is the best medicine. If you’d like a little natural health humor, check out Jim Gaffigan’s critique of kale.
  • Tell Somebody You Love Them. According to Kory Floyd, kissing is the best health booster! But you can still get the health benefits without the romance. Simply reach out to an old friend and let them know you’re thinking about them.

Focus On Good Nutrition

  • Drink Plenty of Fluids: at least eight glasses daily. Fluids help remove toxins from our system as well as transport nutrients to where our bodies need them most. Try drinking distilled water, ginger tea, or a fresh-squeezed juice.
  • Eat Immune-Boosting Foods. Focus on eating foods high in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. These foods include avocados, oranges, garlic, onions, and wheatgrass.
  • Use Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is naturally antimicrobial. Add 2 Tbsp to a glass of warm water, along with 2 Tbsp of local honey, to naturally boost your immune system and remove excess toxins.

Use Helpful Supplements

  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C stimulates various functions of our immune system. Avoid taking synthetic forms of the vitamin in order to maximize effectiveness. Look for Vitamin C supplements sourced from food, such as Acerola cherries.
  • Colloidal Silver. Colloidal silver helps create an environment in the body where pathogens cannot thrive. Add some to a daily tonic to boost your immune system.
  • Curcumin & Olive Leaf Extract. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric, which gives the spice its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Olive leaf extract contains similar immune-properties. Add turmeric and olive oil to your cooking, or supplement with curcumin and olive leaf extract.

Natural Health Strategies offers all-natural, quality supplements at competitive prices. In addition, Naturopathic care, can help you balance your body chemistry and learn how to beat the common cold. Order some of our favorite immune-boosting supplements below, or visit our online store for even more options.