Picking out the right gift for an older adult can be challenging. After all, it may seem like they have everything they need in life, and years of experience might leave them impressed by very few things. Nonetheless, this shouldn’t keep you from enjoying the thrill of giving them an awesome, meaningful gift that can help them maintain a healthy, thriving lifestyle. If you’re hunting for the perfect gift for a senior loved one this holiday season, look no further. From smart tech to de-stressing mechanisms, here are four surefire winners for 2020.

Four Gift Ideas for Seniors


Staying connected to friends and family is vital for the health and well-being of older adults, which is why a tablet is such a great gift. Along with staying connected through talk, text, and video chat, tablets are also ideal for browsing the web, taking/sharing photos, and many more functions. Plus, they’re the perfect compromise between a smartphone and a laptop; the lightweight body and larger screen make for a very user-friendly device for seniors.

Some of the most popular tablets on the market come from the Apple iPad series, Samsung Galaxy Tab series, and Amazon Fire series.

Smart Speaker

A smart speaker is another solid gift idea for older adults. The Amazon Echo, Apple HomePod, Google Home, and other devices can make everyday life safer, more convenient, and more enjoyable all-around for the senior loved ones in your life.

Along with enabling you to prompt entertainment, weather updates, and smart home functions with the sound of your voice, a smart speaker allows you to make phone calls, which comes in especially handy during emergency situations. Furthermore, you can have it remind you when to take medication, when there’s an upcoming doctor appointment, and much more. In sum, a smart speaker can essentially act as a virtual assistant for your senior loved one.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Nothing can challenge the brain like a good puzzle. Not only are puzzles fun, but they can also yield a ton of benefits for seniors, such as:

  • Enhanced memory
  • Better cognitive function
  • Delayed Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Boosted self-esteem
  • Decreased boredom

Plus, solving a good jigsaw puzzle is a great way to spend time with others and cultivate positive relationships.

Health Supplements

If your loved one wants to dive into the world of health supplements, now is the perfect time to help them get started! Not only are there herbs that can boost their immune system and help with inflammation, but there are also vitamin supplements that can help protect their eyes and improve bone health. However, it’s very important to have your loved one discuss any supplements with a Naturopath before they begin taking them.

See—choosing the ideal gift for the older adults in your life may not be as hard as you thought! Consider tablets and smart speakers for the many ways they can assist seniors and improve their everyday lives. Consider jigsaw puzzles and weighted blankets for how they can benefit seniors’ mental and emotional health. Of course, there are plenty of other gifts out there that are worth considering, but these gift ideas for seniors are sure to thrill certain people in your life!

Natural Health Strategies wishes you and your loved ones a healthy, happy Holiday Season! Join our newsletter for more information on how to be your healthiest self.