According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation was the number one cosmetic surgical procedure performed in 2017. Over 300,000 women chose to go under the knife in order to achieve bigger breasts.

While many women find breast augmentation surgery an appealing option, it does not come without risk. Common complications include: infection, chronic pain/numbness, hardened/misshapen breasts, an inability to breastfeed, silicone migration into lymph nodes, and more.

Women used everyday herbs to improve their breast health and development long before elective surgery was an option. While the results are not instant, using herbs to promote breast health has many advantages. Proper use of herbs has no risk of harmful side effects, is a fraction of the cost of surgery, and has many additional health benefits.

Three Herbs for Naturally Bigger Breasts:

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle is an herb that is commonly used to cleanse and rebuild the liver. In addition, it also helps to improve blood flow and the blood purification process. This improves proper nutrient transfer and absorption, which means our bodies get more access nutrients that are vital for healthy breasts.

Click here to order Milk Thistle capsules from Natural Health Strategies.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is an herb that reduces excessive androgen levels in women. This includes reducing excessive levels of male hormones like testosterone. When excessive androgen levels are reduced, female hormones like estrogen have a greater ability to take an effect. This means our bodies are more capable of utilizing estrogen to naturally promote bigger breasts.

Click here to order Saw Palmetto capsules from Natural Health Strategies.

Red Clover

Red Clover is an herb that contains various types of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are naturally found in plants and mimic the effect of estrogen. This can help to balance hormone levels in women and can naturally promote bigger breasts.

Click here to order Jason Winter’s Tea (contains Red Clover) from Natural Health Strategies.

In order to ensure that you are using herbs safely and effectively, we recommend scheduling an appointment with a Naturopathic Practitioner. A Naturopathic Practitioner can help you decide what herbs are right for you and help ensure that you are maximizing their benefits.

Schedule an appointment with Natural Health Strategies today!