Most people assume weight gain comes from eating too many calories or not working out enough. However, weight gain can be caused by many different factors. These include poor sleep, extra stress, drug use, genetics, side effects from medications, food addictions, and more. Once you understand the reasons why you’re gaining weight, you can properly address the problem and start to lose weight naturally.

Unfortunately, there is lots of misinformation about weight loss on the internet. Quick-fix methods often leave us feeling hungry and unsatisfied. This causes most of us to give up on our health goals very quickly. Fortunately, there are several natural ways to lose weight that are both healthy and safe. Small tweaks to your diet, along with changes in your lifestyle, can have a positive impact when done consistently. Keep reading for 5 easy ways to lose weight naturally.

5 Ways to Lose Weight Naturally:

  1. Add protein, fat and vegetables to your diet
  2. Eat whole, single-ingredient food
  3. Cut back on sugars and starches from your diet
  4. Add intake of apple cider vinegar
  5. Lemon and honey green tea

Add Protein, Fat and Vegetables to your diet

A well-balance meal includes a protein source, a fat source, and low-carb vegetables. Protein is an important nutrient for weight-loss. Our body burns calories when digesting protein, so increasing protein in your diet can boost your metabolism.

Common Protein Sources Include:
  • Meat: chicken, beef, pork, lamb, etc.
  • Seafood and fish
  • Eggs: eggs with yolk are best.

A diet plan that contains vegetables provides fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, many vegetables are low in calories and carbs. This means that you can eat a large amount without fear of it negatively impacting your waistline.

Low-Carb Vegetables Include:
  • Swiss chard
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Many more.

Fat is also important because it provides lubrication to our digestive system while helping nutrient absorption.

Healthy Sources of Fat Include:
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Butter
  • Avocado oil

Eat Whole, Single-Ingredient Food

One of the simplest, and most beneficial, things that you can do to lose weight naturally is to base your diet around single-ingredient foods. This eliminates most added fats, sugar, and preservatives. In addition, single-ingredient foods tend to be more filling which makes it easier to stay within recommended calorie limits.

Reduce Sugars & Starches in Your Diet

When we reduce the amount of sugar and starches in our diet, our metabolism starts to feed off stored fat. This can help remove stubborn weight. Overtime, eating less sugar can also reduce cravings, lower insulin levels, and prevent water retention.

Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has been shown to reduce belly fat and decrease blood triglycerides. Studies show that it also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties that promote weight loss. Try mixing 1 Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar into a glass of warm water with 1 tsp of honey. Consume this mixture daily for best results.

Drink Lemon Juice and Green Tea

Lemon is an excellent source of Vitamin C which helps in fat oxidation. Meanwhile, green tea contains both catechins and caffeine. Both of these compounds prove helpful in weight loss. Try adding green tea to a cup of hot water and add the juice of ¼ lemon. Let it steep for 5-7 minutes before consuming. Drink this mixture up to 3 times a day for optimal results.

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