Did you get enough sleep last night? It’s estimated that at least 25% of Americans develop some form of insomnia each year. That’s a huge number. To help, many of us go after artificial sleep aids instead of focusing on healthy ways to sleep better. Taking your phone out of the bedroom and having a healthy diet are a great way to prioritize sleep, but sometimes you want something extra. Today I’d like to talk about 3 natural supplements you can take to improve your sleep. These natural sleep aids are not habit-forming and are safe to take on a long-term basis. They’re all made from herbs or natural ingredients, so you won’t be messing with your brain chemistry like modern sleep medicines do.

The danger of artificial sleep aids

One group of sleep medicines that is popular right now is diphenhydramine. It’s mainly sold in the form of Benadryl. The problem with it is not that it doesn’t work, but that it is addictive. Medications like Benadryl “knock us out” instead of promoting healthy, restorative sleep.

Taking a medication like this once won’t harm you. However, that can be a challenge when you have trouble falling asleep on a regular basis. Additionally, when we stop taking artificial medications it only becomes more difficult to get sleep on our own. The following supplements are natural sleep aids and great strategies if you want to fall asleep faster and get deeper sleep:

Natural Sleep Aids

#1 L-Theanine

L-theanine is a compound that’s available in green tea. It’s the reason a cup of green tea feels more relaxing than coffee, even though both contain caffeine. It’s great for relaxing and getting into a ‘zen’ state. It has been called ‘meditation in a bottle’, and it’s a good supplement to help you get rid of looping thoughts in your head.

This can be beneficial any time of the day, but especially at night. How many times have you been in your bed, only to find yourself worrying about things you know don’t matter? Taking 200 mg of L-theanine 1-2 hours before your bedtime can help you relax and sleep better.

#2 Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning that it also can help you cope with stress. It doesn’t taste well, but it’s a great natural supplement that you can use for relieving stress & anxiety at night. The ashwagandha plant’s roots and berry are used to make the powder.

People take ashwagandha for countless reasons, but the main one that I prefer to take it is if I’ve had a rough day at work and can’t seem to get work-related thoughts out of my mind. In that case, I take half a tablespoon one hour before bed. It calms me, and I often fall asleep quickly that night. It may have a similar effect for you.

#3 Magnolia bark

Magnolia bark is also a great supplement for relaxation. It promotes deeper sleep, so you’ll wake up with more energy. Again, if you want it to help you sleep, it’s a good idea to take it one to two hours before bedtime (approximately 400 mg of magnolia bark). In that case you will feel calmer before you go to bed and then you can enjoy the benefits of deeper sleep.

In order to ensure that you are using herbs/supplements safely and effectively, we recommend scheduling an appointment with a Naturopathic Practitioner. A Naturopathic Practitioner can help you decide what herbs are right for you and help ensure that you are maximizing their benefits.