Anxiety is more common than most people realize.  According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America it is the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting over 40 million people.  Fortunately, there are many natural anxiety remedies.  A healthy diet, lifestyle, and all-natural supplements often have a bigger effect on lowering stress levels than prescription pills.

Natural Anxiety Remedies

Helpful Diet Strategies
  • Avoid excess alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.  These substances deplete the body’s natural tranquilizers: B vitamins.
  • Avoid processed sugar, processed meats, and artificial sodas.  These substances deplete the body’s natural nerve support: magnesium.
  • Focus on eating a diet with lots of: calcium (leafy greens, etc.), magnesium (raw nuts, etc.), B vitamins (nutritional yeast, etc.), and Vitamin C (acerola cherries, etc.). Essentially, these foods strengthen the body’s ability to handle stress by protecting our nerves and supporting our adrenals.
Helpful Lifestyle Strategies
  • Develop a faith in God. People who awaken their spirituality report feelings of more control in their life and more ability to handle stressful situations with confidence.
  • Make time to relax.  Prioritize a part of everyday to allow your body and mind to relax by meditating, stretching, taking a bath, listening to calming music, getting a massage, etc.
  • Focus on getting regular exercise.  Studies show that exercise is able to alleviate depression and anxiety the same way taking an aspirin can alleviate a headache. Click here for a comprehensive guide on mental health & exercise.
  • Take a deep breath.  Deep breathing exercises are a quick and easy way to de-stress and calm down no matter where you are or what you are doing.  Find some different techniques here.
  • Keep your work and personal space tidy. Being surrounded by clutter overwhelms our minds with excessive stimuli and distracts us from focusing on what’s important.  Make an effort to limit clutter as much as you can.
Helpful Herbs and Supplements
  • Take Herbs & Supplements. Even when we do our best to eat right our foods may not contain enough vitamins and minerals to be effective.  Consider herbs, like CBD Oil or Kava Root, to support your nerves and act as a complement to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Try aromatherapy.  Placing essential oils on the temples, like lavender, can offer immediate relief.
  • Utilize Flower Remedies. Flower remedies can help calm our anxiety naturally and without side effects. Consider having a personalized supplement plan created to fit you and your needs.
Balance your Body Chemistry!
  • Balance your body chemistry!  Anxiety is often caused by an imbalanced pH, various vitamin & mineral deficiencies, and too much conductivity in our bodies. Additionally, when our bodies are out of balance, even the best natural remedies may not be effective. Get your body into balance and receive the support you need to make your health a priority.

Book an appointment with Natural Health Strategies today!