The rapid advancement of technology has allowed information to be accessible right at our fingertips. In some aspects, being able to find pertinent information in seconds is helpful; however, there are so many conflicting ideas in the health & wellness community. The concepts you find online may not be relevant to you individually and can be misleading. When we want to learn something, a quick Google search, YouTube tutorial, Instagram post, or TikTok can give you the content you are looking for.

With the advent of countless social media platforms, people often contemplate why they would need to see a Naturopath. Achieving your ideal vision of health is much more complex than anything found on the internet. The most efficient way to safely and effectively improve your health is to work with a Naturopath. Read further to learn about the 5 benefits of a Naturopath!

5 Benefits of a Naturopath

1. Navigate Through Information

If you search “natural remedies” online, you will be confronted with over 15 million Google search results, 800 thousand YouTube videos, and 7 thousand books on Amazon – with more articles, videos, and books are being created and published every day! The sheer amount of readily available information is overwhelming. In addition, attempting to sift through an almost limitless amount of information can be discouraging, causing you to spend too much precious time searching relentlessly.

Now, factor in trying to learn the nuances of natural health while continuing to advance your career, participate in hobbies, attend classes, take care of your family, and stay up to date with current events. Moreover, it is not surprising that the average person who starts researching natural health online will spend more time reading about it than actually integrating that information. The plethora of resources can stunt progress, ultimately resulting in exhaustion and confusion.

On the other hand, Naturopaths have done the hard work for you. They’ve dedicated their career to mastering the art and science of natural health techniques. Furthermore, they are required to continue their education every year. Naturopaths help you navigate through an ocean of  information so that you can focus on what is important.

2. Save Time and Money

Attempting to address your concern with a random health tip online and seeing if it works for you requires a lot of trial and error. Repeating this process can be financially and emotionally draining. Additionally, you may not get the results you were looking for while drastically depleting your resources. Searching countless hours for the products you think you may need can be discouraging.

Moreover, a naturopath uses testing methods to determine your body chemistry and pinpoint specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Treatment plans are tailored to the individual after the potential cause of symptoms is identified. This reduces the amount of trial and error a person has to undergo before starting to see results. Make a small investment in a naturopath now and expect to save a lot of time and money in the long run. Your body – and bank account – will thank you for seeking a much more efficient route!

3. See Faster Results

Your body is like a garden. When a garden is full of weeds, putting fertilizer on it will only grow more weeds. A skilled gardener knows he will need to remove the weeds and improve the quality of the soil before he can expect to grow beautiful flowers. Much like the process of cultivating flowers, your body needs the same time and attention in order to flourish.

To illustrate, if your body is incapable of efficiently absorbing nutrients and releasing toxins, then natural remedies won’t be as effective. A naturopath can help you get your body into balance so that it can operate at an optimal level. This will increase the effectiveness of your efforts and speed up your results.

Moreover, conventional medicine does not address the underlying cause of the problem. This can cause symptoms to return and exacerbate the issue. Naturopaths can identify the root of the issue and be the accountability partner you need in order to get the results you want.

4. Accountability

In the age of technology we live in, it is easier than ever to get distracted and lose sight of your goals. Picture this: you set the intention to go for a brisk walk in the morning. Glancing at your phone and seeing a ton of notifications, you make a promise to only look at one notification. One thing leads to another, and all of a sudden, you’re scrolling through the blackhole of Instagram.

Social media has the power to inspire, motivate, and connect people. However, it can also hinder you from growing into the person you want to become. It all boils down to intention. Being intentional with daily activities will allow you to work towards achieving great health while also participating tasks that boost your mental health.

In addition, without having someone to hold you accountable, it can be challenging to stay consistent and reach your goals. There are many other roadblocks that may be preventing you from progressing. By auditing your routines, making necessary changes to course-correct, and staying consistent, you can reach your ultimate potential. To learn about healthy habits that you can incorporate into your lifestyle, click here!

Achieving success with natural health doesn’t require perfection, but it does require consistency. A naturopath helps hold you accountable and keeps you on track to reaching your goals.

5. Because Your Life Depends On It

Iatrogenic death is a term that many people are unfamiliar with. It means “death induced by medical treatments, including drug reactions, surgeries, and diagnostic procedures.” Shockingly, iatrogenic death is considered the third leading cause of death by a multitude of sources (1). Many people fail to consider the risks they take when using conventional medical treatments.

The concept of informed consent has been neglected during healthcare intervention. As a patient, you have the authority to question and reject interventions being recommended to you. Most healthcare professionals urge you to take action immediately instead of giving you the autonomy to make an informed decision.

In addition to being dangerous, prescription drugs don’t address the root cause of a person’s health concerns. Instead, they merely mask the symptoms. Similar to sweeping dirt under a mat, the problem will only get bigger until the root cause is addressed. Over time, the body grows tolerant to the drug and it loses its effectiveness. As a result, the original problem still remains. This vicious cycle can occur for years. Break free of this cycle by scheduling an appointment to learn more about how I can help you achieve your goals!

In conclusion…

As you just read, there are many benefits of a Naturopath. The good news is: using a Naturopath’s techniques can help you overcome your symptoms without relying on prescription drugs.

Moreover, your body has an innate intelligence to heal itself. By giving it the proper attention it needs while working with a naturopath, you can achieve the best health of your life! Learn more about me, Rebecca, to see if i’d be a great fit for your individual needs.

Check out my online store to view a variety of supplements, herbs, and homeopathic remedies that I offer. I also offer virtual appointments: for those who reside outside of California, you can still schedule an appointment with me and receive an RBTI testing kit through the mail.