Have you pooped today?  Constipation and other digestive issues contribute to an enormous amount of health problems. These often include: headaches, sinus & respiratory infections, allergies, various skin conditions, and more.  Moreover, eating a diet rich in whole foods, drinking quality water, and getting regular exercise help to increase regularity. But when you’re doing everything “right” and you still struggle with regularity, try this all-natural lifestyle hack to prevent constipation.  

Prevent Constipation: “The Poop Routine”

  • Drink 8oz of water upon waking. Staying hydrated is important; drinking water helps to lubricate and purify your colon.
  • Sip a half cup of coffee. When consumed in moderation, coffee can act as natural laxative by promoting peristalsis. While sipping:
    • Sit in a Yogi Squat. Squatting opens our hips and widens our pelvic area, and relaxes the colon muscle. This allows the colon to empty quickly and completely.  If you struggle with joint pain, try a Squatty Potty to take the pressure off your knees.
    • Meditate. This can include spending time in prayer, inspirational reading, listening to motivational podcasts/videos, or just actively trying to rid the mind of stressful and anxious thoughts. Relaxing our mind relaxes our body which contributes to our regularity.    
  • Spend 5-15 minutes in the Yogi Squat and meditation, as stamina and time allows. This gives you enough time to focus on the task at hand and for your body to relax.
  • Repeat steps 1 & 2 until you have had a bowel movement. If at first you don’t succeed, try again!

While occasional constipation may be caused by stress or traveling, chronic constipation is a sign that our bodies are out of balance.  Prevent constipation and learn how to feel your best by scheduling an appointment with Natural Health Strategies. Our appointments use RBTI Testing helps you determine what diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements are best for you. 

Don’t waste any more time feeling uncomfortable, schedule your appointment today!