At Natural Health Strategies we know dental health is an integral component of overall health. Dr. Maryam Jackson, a holistic dentist, takes an integrative approach with her patients. Read on to learn more about Dr. Jackson’s practice, her approach, and how she goes beyond the realm of conventional dentistry to provide her patients with the best possible care.

Name: Dr. Maryam Jackson
Title: Holistic Dentist
Company: Smiles of Orange
Location: Orange, CA 
Areas of interest: Cosmetic Dentistry, Sleep Apnea, Airway Dentistry, Holistic (Biological) Dentistry, Invisalign, TMJ Therapy
Years of Professional Experience: 13 years
Check out her website:
Find her on Instagram: @smilesoforange

Meet Dr. Maryam Jackson,
a holistic dentist

  • What types of services do you provide?

I offer a comprehensive array of services.  Everything from cleanings, fillings, and crowns to Invisalign, cosmetic dentistry, TMJ, and sleep apnea therapy.

  • What reasons should people consider seeing a holistic dentist?

A few years ago, I had some health issues and from there I realized that I needed to really pay attention to the products that I use.  As a holistic dentist, I thoroughly vet all the products I use and recommend to my patients to ensure they have the least toxic load.  I offer BPA free white fillings, ceramic restorations, and fluoride-free and essential oil-based products.  In addition, I remove silver mercury fillings according to the SMART protocol that is the safest way to remove mercury fillings.  I do a very thorough oral systemic assessment and evaluate for function.

  • On average, how long do you work with an individual?

If I am lucky, for their lifetime!  I love seeing kids, parents, and their grandparents!

  • What got you interested in practicing holistic dentistry?

As I mentioned before, I had some health issues in the past and I started doing some research.  I realized the importance of using natural and biocompatible ingredients.  I also learned about the importance of oral health and its effects on the health of the rest of the body.  Moreover, once I got into sleep and airway dentistry, I learned the importance of sleep and its effect on overall health.

  • What 1-2 things do you believe differentiates you from your contemporaries?

I evaluate the mouth as a part of the whole person.  I speak to my patients about nutrition and we make decisions together to help them keep their teeth healthy for a lifetime.

  • How big of a role do you think a person’s overall health plays in their dental health (or vice versa)?

There is a great book written by Bradley Bale, MD and Amy Doneen, ARNP.  He is a cardiologist and she is a nurse practitioner and they did extensive research on heart disease and full body inflammation.  Essentially, he discovered that once a patient’s oral health improved that their inflammation decreased and their risk for heart attacks and strokes decreased.  It’s a great testament to the power of oral health on the whole body.

  • Do you have any recommended resources to share (books, seminars, websites, etc)?

My staff and I hold a monthly webinar on sleep and airway health and how they affect kids and adults.  You can contact us at the office to see when our next webinar is if you would like to learn more.  I really encourage patients to check out the website  The patient link on that website has a lot of great testimonials.  The book Six Foot Tiger, Three Foot Cage is a great read as well.  It focuses on the importance of sleep on overall health.

  • Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by?

I live my life by of staying positive, treating people well, and not giving up.

  • Anything else you’d like to share?

I love what I do!  My staff and I are so passionate about helping others and treating them like family.  We hope that you can feel that caring family vibe as soon as you enter our doors.  We can’t wait to meet you and your loved ones!

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